NTSPP – 028

Not the Saturday Prize Puzzle – 028

A Puzzle by Bufo

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Welcome to the twenty eighth in our series of weekly puzzles.

This week’s puzzle is our second from regular blogger Bufo.

The puzzle

A Puzzle by Bufo

If you prefer your puzzles on paper, click on the grid to download a pdf of the puzzle.
Additionally there is an interactive version of the puzzle here

Across Down
1 English dynamiters working to disturb limestone perhaps (11,4) 1 Skirt-like garment is taken up for some continental women (8)
9 Composer has a bit of good fortune (5) 2 Forty old pence found under jacket (6,3)
10 With a sword whirling around both sides, such caused many deaths (5,4) 3 Dare arch-enemy to be seen by source of Ganges River (6)
11 El Dorado? Over in America it’s associated with Disney (7) 4 Livingstone’s favourite creature to keep – or is it Livingston? (3,4)
12 One leaving World Heritage Site in Yorkshire is cross (7) 5 A painful back? See about a spray (7)
13 Book made up of distinct main sections? (4) 6 Sang and last part of melody echoed (not half!) round the valley (8)
14 Being under the _________, uncle is in fine mess (9) 7 Middle Easterner must turn up very shortly (5)
19 With dismay boos a non-starting horse (9) 8 Once one soprano has left a musical, it’s time for Catherine to produce another musical (6)
22 Vigorously attack a butter and milk producer (4) 15 Andy’s wife is always seen in flip-flops (3)
25 Possibly like a cheque husband’s lost – it’s not in a box (7) 16 Drink – cold fizzy one consumed by sweaty European (9)
27 Solvent of excellent quality (7) 17 Catching girl going topless (8)
28 Company processed a lichen to produce a red dye (9) 18 King once styled “The Elder” (8)
29 How you might travel between Libya and Iran (2,3) 20 A blonde corrupted my dear friend! (3,4)
30 Wife in taking the main part in an opera possibly is shirking her duty (8,3,4) 21 Young actress from Red Dwarf and Rent? (7)
23 These wild cats apparently weigh very little (6)
24 Girl has to decline taking part in brief weight-loss programme (6)
26 Plants needing a constant temperature in Jersey, etc. (5)

< NTSPP – 027

NTSPP – 029 >

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