NTSPP – 073

Not the Saturday Prize Puzzle – 073

A Puzzle by Gazza

+ – + – + – + – + – + – + – + – +


Welcome to the latest in our series of weekly puzzles.

This week Gazza makes his long awaited return with a very enjoyable puzzle.

The puzzle

A Puzzle by Gazza

There is an interactive version of the puzzle here.

If you prefer your puzzles on paper, a pdf of the puzzle an be downloaded from the interactive version.

Across Down
1 Moves to retain nucleus of Countdown in planned programmes (7) 1 Cooked rare seabird (7)
5 Defective hearing? Not I – it’s the wind (7) 2 Crowds round speaker with sugary fare (9)
9 Worship a dancing latin duo (9) 3 Totals are up or I’m a Dutchman (7)
10 Assassin took out henchman in jail (5) 4 Daughter’s in inspired form and ready to iron (4-5)
11 Cultivated a plot (7) 5 Patch of copper (5)
12 Skipping regular reunion forums can be harmful (7) 6 Vice supremo’s going down (7)
13 Sign that nothing’s wrong after detective comes across suspicious joint (9) 7 Eth’s beloved party’s musical theme (5)
15 Degenerate graduate tucking into Mars? (2,3) 8 Foreign dailies communicated effectively (7)
17 Track the leader in training (5) 14 I stalk two crooked power units (9)
19 Pretty young thing, easy to catch for a lark? (5,4) 16 Black broadcast from irrational boyfriend (5,4)
22 Reserve’s second time back in shape (7) 17 Gingerbread group’s first placement (7)
25 Win over the French follows mini-defeat initially around the end of March (7) 18 Stop me getting back to save try (7)
26 Here in parts of Canada the monarch appears more distant (5) 20 Gave proceeds to journalist (7)
27 Pinched and scratched (9) 21 Spanish Dragons’ Den – a Sun fabrication? (7)
28 Charm old actress after golf (7) 23 Board provides late news of European rights (5)
29 A theologian, hampered by short sight, say, gets upset (7) 24 Channel cover-up threw establishment (5)

< NTSPP – 072

NTSPP – 074 >

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