NTSPP – 076

Not the Saturday Prize Puzzle – 076

A Puzzle by Prolixic

+ – + – + – + – + – + – + – + – +


Welcome to the latest in our series of weekly puzzles.

This week we have yet another from the prolific Prolixic.

The puzzle

A Puzzle by Prolixic

There is an interactive version of the puzzle here.

If you prefer your puzzles on paper, a pdf of the puzzle an be downloaded from the interactive version.

Across Down
1 Base rope for camping gear (11) 1 Air Uganda flying around without a trustee (8)
7 Brown articles removed from steam room (3) 2 Witness Buddhist tree uprooted by altar-boy (8)
9 Saints in meal returning for blessing (5) 3 Dope engineer’s explosive (5)
10 French bread and cakes (9) 4 Thus the enemy returned some music (7)
11 Cockchafer bolted here perhaps without husband (3-6) 5 Force out say (7)
12 Government to attack cherished ambition (5) 6 Allege prophet sculpted this pole perhaps (9)
13 Havens established to protect hardy plants (7) 7 Chelsea girl scratching bottom describes German motto (6)
15 Celebrity makes special pitch (4) 8 Nationalist is the French confectioner (6)
18 Money essentially nails the post (4) 14 Extended cheer for the Italians? (9)
20 Rotund lady’s breaking flipping legs (7) 16 Old Greek coins charmed a criminal (8)
23 Poetic Dame gives change to Henry (5) 17 Home Counties in secret compact (5-3)
24 Vegetables and underwear displayed by gallery on board ship (9) 19 Sought to influence inclusion of song in old books – quite the reverse (7)
26 Attack shown by soprano during song cycle (3,6) 20 Disturb Arab in lecture at university (5,2)
27 By metres (5) 21 C-covered up hot drink (6)
28 Supporting uneven floors (3) 22 Leader’s men returning to take copy (6)
29 Smart relative’s unattached (11) 25 Demonstrated material (5)

< NTSPP – 075

NTSPP – 077 >

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