Not the Saturday Prize Puzzle – 076
A Puzzle by Prolixic
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Welcome to the latest in our series of weekly puzzles.
This week we have yet another from the prolific Prolixic.
The puzzle
A Puzzle by Prolixic
There is an interactive version of the puzzle here.
If you prefer your puzzles on paper, a pdf of the puzzle an be downloaded from the interactive version.
Across | Down | |||
1 | Base rope for camping gear (11) | 1 | Air Uganda flying around without a trustee (8) | |
7 | Brown articles removed from steam room (3) | 2 | Witness Buddhist tree uprooted by altar-boy (8) | |
9 | Saints in meal returning for blessing (5) | 3 | Dope engineer’s explosive (5) | |
10 | French bread and cakes (9) | 4 | Thus the enemy returned some music (7) | |
11 | Cockchafer bolted here perhaps without husband (3-6) | 5 | Force out say (7) | |
12 | Government to attack cherished ambition (5) | 6 | Allege prophet sculpted this pole perhaps (9) | |
13 | Havens established to protect hardy plants (7) | 7 | Chelsea girl scratching bottom describes German motto (6) | |
15 | Celebrity makes special pitch (4) | 8 | Nationalist is the French confectioner (6) | |
18 | Money essentially nails the post (4) | 14 | Extended cheer for the Italians? (9) | |
20 | Rotund lady’s breaking flipping legs (7) | 16 | Old Greek coins charmed a criminal (8) | |
23 | Poetic Dame gives change to Henry (5) | 17 | Home Counties in secret compact (5-3) | |
24 | Vegetables and underwear displayed by gallery on board ship (9) | 19 | Sought to influence inclusion of song in old books – quite the reverse (7) | |
26 | Attack shown by soprano during song cycle (3,6) | 20 | Disturb Arab in lecture at university (5,2) | |
27 | By metres (5) | 21 | C-covered up hot drink (6) | |
28 | Supporting uneven floors (3) | 22 | Leader’s men returning to take copy (6) | |
29 | Smart relative’s unattached (11) | 25 | Demonstrated material (5) |