NTSPP – 104

Not the Saturday Prize Puzzle – 104

A Puzzle by Radler

+ – + – + – + – + – + – + – +


Welcome to the latest in our series of weekly puzzles.

This week we have puzzle by Radler in which several of the answers have a theme which is given by the answer to 13 down.

The puzzle

A Puzzle by Radler

There is an interactive version of the puzzle here.

If you prefer your puzzles on paper, a pdf of the puzzle can be downloaded from the interactive version.

Across Down
1 What could deliver 13 using choice of roads (5) 1 Stoned, let’s inject drug for 13 (5)
4 Lack of sense from 13 on reflection (9) 2 Biscuit and coke at a dance (7)
9 Confuses by using teen slang (9) 3 In a moment, a lager and a sign of development (6,3)
10 Stop following popular music (5) 4 Courage of 13 weapons (5)
11 Order précis of Eats, Shoots & Leaves in sacks (3,4) 5 Now inept, is foolish and lacking wisdom (9)
12 Watch band when led by 13 (6) 6 Meaning of 13 (5)
14 Construct desk and turn bolt (9) 7 Send off on time, taking second position at the finish (7)
16 Without warning, wedge between two metals (3-2) 8 13 vehicle that’s out of refined diesel (4)
17 Player following 13 in panto (5) 13 Agent supplying blanket coverage provides spots on television … (4)
19 Season after wife left to check grill (9) 14 … broadcast! (4)
21 Line dividing, like down 13 (6) 15 Supplier of milk bottles unconcerned greatly with limits to dream (5,4)
23 Beast, possibly qualified by 13 stars and American friend (7) 16 Triad reportedly switch positions to protect from intrusion (6,3)
26 Originally model, then draw over (5) 18 Not admitted to heaven for being pole dancer? (2,5)
27 Discovering what’s up is exciting to a Mr Nosy (9) 20 Maniac’s on the rampage claiming love’s oblivious (2,1,4)
28 13 driver, one having lunch? (9) 22 Set new price with salesman as an illustration (5)
29 L-loud exchange for 13 (5) 23 This evolved distinct elements of Italian (5)
24 Airbrushed photo may sell more – make ends meet for writer (5)
25 Cut flower wanting 13 (4)

< NTSPP – 103

NTSPP – 105 >

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