NTSPP – 110

Not the Saturday Prize Puzzle – 110

A Puzzle by Isla

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Welcome to the latest in our series of weekly puzzles.

You all loved Isla’s debut puzzle, but that was over a year ago. I have persuaded him to have another go, and I’m sure you will enjoy this one just as much.

The puzzle

A Puzzle by Isla

There is an interactive version of the puzzle here.

If you prefer your puzzles on paper, a pdf of the puzzle can be downloaded from the interactive version.

Across Down
1 Hello sailor! With saucy opening, seizes ship (7) 1 Talk tediously of instrument (4)
5 Elaborate, no longer simple (7) 2 Absorbed in music, one succumbs in the centre of hot tub (7)
9 Unsure, I fit certain component backwards, a diode perhaps? (9) 3 Rise in chapter and branch (5)
10 Carry around a good red pen (5) 4 Ignore workers to make clothing for moguls (3,5)
11 Slyly break a trapeze – Aussie goes flying? (5,8) 5 Each river to increase muck in canal (6)
13 Missiles shot inside temporary shelters (8) 6 Welcoming paradise at last, infidel shot in elaborate ceremony (9)
15 Output from sewer starts to stink terribly and it makes you scratch (6) 7 I ran amok with mental illness (7)
17 Heavy attack after end of shelling claims five (6) 8 Employees in the dark about close of plant, impending relocation (5,5)
19 Ride in a Roller? Preposterous… (buys Ford) (8) 12 Coach gives support to players (5,5)
22 He gets benefit, pocketing entire global float (6,7) 14 Polite behaviour and extraordinary quiet between back-to-back films (9)
25 No score for musicians (5) 16 Coolly demolished question included for formal discussion (8)
26 Used to be pretty without being absolutely gorgeous (9) 18 Wanton harlot lay back regularly in US city (7)
27 Most sophisticated American rejected a singlet (7) 20 Takes out tack, for instance bread roll and escargots, though no starters (7)
28 Left embraced by even Vice President of Russia (7) 21 Wretched sailor caught in stream (6)
23 Oxford college that is replacing answer in exam (5)
24 Pale swallowing drug, try to break habit (4)

< NTSPP – 109

NTSPP – 111 >

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