NTSPP – 114

Not the Saturday Prize Puzzle – 114

A Puzzle by eXternal

+ – + – + – + – + – + – + – +


Welcome to the latest in our series of weekly puzzles.

A few weeks ago we published our first puzzle by eXternal.  You enjoyed that one, so now here’s another.

The puzzle

A Puzzle by eXternal

There is an interactive version of the puzzle here.

If you prefer your puzzles on paper, a pdf of the puzzle can be downloaded from the interactive version.

Across Down
1 Southern salesman rejected ringing hotel for drink (8) 1 Spring a leak (6)
5 End of spear missing a wild beast (6) 2 Swimmer’s wine order written up with hesitation (3,6)
10 When rude theatre turned blue (5,3,7) 3 Muddy like lake? (7)
11 Scientist right about old guide (7) 4 Encountered headless woman in chemical compound (5)
12 Bang end and hurt nuts (7) (7) 6 Found hiding in simple surroundings, America toppled ruler (7)
13 Despite everything being detailed, concept failed in the end (8) 7 A quietly concealed bug (5)
15 Businessmen overheard double-cross (5) 8 Tax collector’s admitted to a gentle touch to change image (8)
18 Badge from Maine small child brought back (5) (5) 9 Society gets a load of samples (8)
20 Careless type half-cut in hospital department (8) 14 Form sore about a lecture (8)
23 Pest controller and trampolinist, maybe (7) 16 Anger about trip cut short in train (9) (9)
25 Found back in same rut at summer’s height (7) 17 Having small growth drained after objections raised (8)
26 Given equal billing, finalist wins over another taking drugs (4,3,3,5) 19 Grim experience that’s bad eating place for truckers (7)
27 Clear backing to protect the hedge (6) 21 A secret’s said to have been of benefit (7)
28 Little boy catches bug (8) 22 Physicist’s original model working (6)
24 Spill out of bed before class (5)
25 Frenchman turns up for rave (5)

< NTSPP – 113

NTSPP – 115 >

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