NTSPP – 072

Not the Saturday Prize Puzzle – 072

A Puzzle by Prolixic

+ – + – + – + – + – + – + – + – +


Welcome to the latest in our series of weekly puzzles.

This week we have another puzzle from our very own Prolixic.

The puzzle

A Puzzle by Prolixic

There is an interactive version of the puzzle here.

If you prefer your puzzles on paper, a pdf of the puzzle an be downloaded from the interactive version.

Across Down
8 Call for two measures (4) 1 Deeply regret taking one lower (10)
9 Tip for channel’s output (3,7) 2 Purley is dreadful for disorder (8)
10 Publisher in endless slog for company (6) 3 Note resistance returns in musical device (6)
11 Batty old dear with nothing in fabulous city? (8) 4 Personality the French find worthless (4)
12 Draw the banks of scenic river (8) 5 Deep Purple gets stick writing for one who records their work (8)
14 Briefly polite after losing nothing (6) 6 A practical person describes King for worshipper (6)
16 Duke entertained by amateur woman (4) 7 Cut first to last like a cake? (4)
17 Hears husky material in part of a church (5) 13 Call to cancel rector leaving (5)
18 Stink around loud bull! (4) 15 Threads remain for Spooner and Scargill? (4,6)
19 Order Thebes to be rebuilt (6) 17 High speed editing of picture’s a bargain (3,5)
21 Facial hair I look for it’s said (8) 18 Wire Bishop to replace leader of vicars in dance (8)
23 Rare find’s staggering for branch of astronomy (8) 20 Fear nerves may constrain something nice and little? (6)
26 Set pitch (6) 22 Say medal’s returned for drink (6)
27 Crew member has to leave after drink with queen and Charles (10) 24 Anti-American judgment! (4)
28 Necessary to return and be fruitful (4) 25 Dutch banker quits Surrey town – the fool (4)

< NTSPP – 071

NTSPP – 073 >

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